Meeting Your Crone: Why You Should Say Yes to My First Retreat

On March 8 – 10, I’m co-leading my first retreat for women awakening to the world and their position in it. It’s called Camp Crone. Yep, you read that right. I’m on a mission to reclaim the word and turn it from “old and in the way” to “powerful and magical.” 

I’m excrited (excited and scared). I’m grateful for my co-captain Katherine, a kindred spirit on the path to Crone-dom. We have a few more spots available, so I thought I’d dust off the ol’ blog and share why you should say “yes” to Camp Crone.

As part of my personal growth journey, I’ve become obsessed with the archetype of the 3-faced Goddess: Maiden/Mother/Crone. As women, we’re born “maidens:” curious, innocent, wide-eyed, and open-hearted. Somewhere along the way, society starts to chip away at that. Speak up for yourself, but not too loudly. Sit up straight, but don’t loom too large. Don’t trust yourself. Trust rules, laws, and norms instead. 

This chatter starts in late adolescence and grows louder and louder throughout our 20s and 30s – at least, it did for me. It’s death by 1,000 cuts and often results in core emotional and psychological wounds as we step into “Mother” – either as a biological mother or as the creator and “mother” of careers and creative projects. 

Thankfully, around the age of 50, a new voice starts emerging. She’s the Crone – the wise woman who lives in all of us. She’s the one who whispers, “F*&# ’em.” She’s the one who embraces the gray. She’s the one who finally stops trying to get everyone to like her. She’s the one who helps us heal those core wounds inflicted by the systems that want to keep us quiet, small, and weak.

Embracing our inner Crone is a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. At Camp Crone, we’ll take some initial steps together:

Acknowledge Core Wounds: The first step in healing our core wounds is acknowledging and identifying their existence. Core wounds often stem from past traumas, childhood experiences, or self-limiting beliefs society reinforces. At Camp Crone, we’ll reflect on life experiences and the patterns holding us back.

Embrace Radical Self-Acceptance: Healing begins with self-acceptance. Embrace all parts of yourself—the light, shadow, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Cultivate compassion and kindness towards yourself as you navigate the journey of healing. Our camp circle will be full of love and acceptance. No judgment or “fixing” at Camp Crone!

Seek Support and Guidance: Healing requires support from others: trusted friends, family members, or like-minded souls who can offer guidance, empathy, and a safe space to explore your innermost feelings and experiences. I can’t wait to see these connections form at Camp.

Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care: Nurture yourself through self-care practices that honor your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Engage in activities that bring joy, peace, and a sense of connection to yourself and others. The Friday night sound bath will help you relax and restore.

Explore Inner Work and Healing Modalities: Explore various healing modalities such as therapy, meditation, journaling, art therapy, somatic experiencing, and energy work to access and release deep-seated emotions and beliefs. Engage in practices that help you connect with your wisdom and cultivate inner peace and wholeness. At Camp, we’ll introduce you to Qi Gong, Tarot, energy work, and working with the moon’s cycles. Take what you love and leave the rest.

Release Resentments and Forgiveness:  Practice forgiveness—not for the sake of others, but for your healing and liberation. Forgiveness is a powerful act of self-love and empowerment that allows you to reclaim your power and move forward with grace and resilience. Our healing circle on Saturday night will help you release what no longer serves you (hint: we’re going to burn some s#*!).

Connect with Your Inner Crone: Embrace the wisdom and sovereignty of your inner Crone through meditation, visualization, or reflective practices. Invite her presence into your life and allow her to guide you through life’s challenges and transitions. One of Katherine’s most significant spiritual gifts is guided meditation. She’ll lead us through several journeys, eventually meeting our inner wise women face to face.

Healing our core wounds and embracing our inner wisdom requires courage, patience, and self-compassion. It’s your journey. We’re just here to point you on the path. You’ll leave Camp Crone trusting in the wisdom of your soul and the healing power that resides within you, knowing that you are worthy of love, healing, and wholeness.

Want to come? Click here to read all the details on Facebook. We have some 50% scholarships available, so don’t hesitate to ask! Text me or message me on the socials.